Sunday, 23 October 2016

The Amazon Rainforest as a vital carbon sink

The Amazon Rainforest as a vital carbon sink

The Global carbon cycle essentially refers to the exchange of carbon between the Earth’s various carbon reservoirs. There are 5 main reservoirs (The Earth’s interior, the atmosphere, the biosphere, the oceans and the sediments) which are all interconnected by pathways of carbon exchange.

Changes in the carbon cycle can be environmentally devastating. Indeed, perhaps one of the greatest threats encountered by humans is the ever increasing amount of carbon released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. This additional carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas which has been responsible for the recent rise in global average temperatures. As the amount of carbon increases in the atmosphere other carbon sinks become more and more important in buffering and controlling this increase.

Consequently, the Amazon rainforest plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle as it acts as a carbon sink (which refers to an area’s ability to store and absorb CO2 from the atmosphere). Indeed, as trees grow they absorb much more CO2 (in the order of hundreds of millions of tons) than is released by tree death. Consequently, the Amazon holds 17 percent[1] of all Earth’s terrestrial vegetation carbon stock.

However, human impacts have put the rainforest under an increasing amount of strain both directly through rapid deforestation and indirectly through changes in climate patterns caused by warmer global temperatures.

The Amazon has witnessed an increasing amount of droughts in the past decades which is in part caused by an increase in El Nino events which leads to dry conditions in the northern Amazon[2]. Consequently, average rainfall levels dropped nearly 3.2 percent per year between 1970 and 1998[3] in the Amazonia region. There have also been extensive dry periods such as the ones in 2005 and 2010 which lead to basin wide losses in biomass.

The 2010 drought for instance, lead to a higher biomass mortality rate and a lower biomass productivity rate[4]. There was also an increase in wild fires due to the dry conditions.  As a result, it has massively reduced the Amazon’s ability to act as an efficient carbon sink as the forest essentially became carbon neutral (meaning that it is absorbing as much carbon as it is releasing).

Unfortunately, the effects of a drought are not only catastrophic in the short term but they are also alarming in the long term. Indeed, the effects of a drought such as the one in 2005 has “persisted for years” with the damage in the forest canopy lasting “right up to the subsequent drought in 2010”[5]. Consequently, in the future the Amazon won’t be as efficient in storing carbon than in the past as trees will become increasingly damaged due to the combined effects of persistent droughts and slow recovery times.

Not only has climate variation impacted the Amazon’s ability to act as a carbon sink. Extensive deforestation has also been a major culprit. Indeed, if deforestation continues at this current rate most of the Amazonian tropical forests would disappear in 50 to 100 years[6]. Currently, the Amazon deforestation is causing up to 10 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions due to the removal of forests which would have been able absorbed that CO2 if they were still there. Unfortunately, this is contributing to our Earth’s rising temperatures.

In conclusion, due to human activity, the Amazon trees have removed nearly a third less carbon in the past decade than before[7] and have suffered major changes in biomass (figure 1). Still, the Amazon absorbs more CO2 than it releases making it a vital carbon sink. However, if current rates of deforestation and droughts continue at this speed, the Amazon will become permanently carbon neutral which would disrupt our planet’s entire carbon cycle leading to catastrophic events such as massive loss of biodiversity and even faster increases in global temperatures.

Figure 1 the Amazon rainforest's net biomass change, productivity and, biomass mortality over the past 25 years[8]:

Amazon graphs

 Graph b shows plateauing growth rates during the 2000s, while graph c shows a strong upwards trend in tree death over the last 20 years. The slower growth and increased die-off combine in graph a to produce a drag on the amount of carbon soaked up by a hectare of forest each year. Droughts during 2005 and 2010 are clearly visible as large increases in mortality. Photograph: Nature

Short BBC clip on the Amazon rainforest which is our planet's lungs:


Web sources:

Research papers:

Feldpausch, T. R., et al. (2016), Amazon forest response to repeated droughtsGlobal Biogeochem. Cycles30964982, doi:10.1002/2015GB005133

Shukla, J., C. Nobre, and P. Sellers. 1990. Amazon deforestation and climate change. Science 247: 1322-25

Numerous researchers. 2015. Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink. Nature 519: 344-348

[1] Feldpausch, T. R., et al. (2016), Amazon forest response to repeated droughtsGlobal Biogeochem. Cycles30964982, doi:10.1002/2015GB005133
[4] Feldpausch, T. R., et al. (2016), Amazon forest response to repeated droughtsGlobal Biogeochem. Cycles30964982, doi:10.1002/2015GB005133
[5] Yadvinder Malhi of Oxford University in press release
[6] Shukla, J., C. Nobre, and P. Sellers. 1990. Amazon deforestation and climate change. Science 247: 1322-25
[8] Numerous researchers. 2015. Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink. Nature 519: 344-348

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